Well I’ve been on this project for a little under a month and I’m really happy with it. As I said on my last collaboration, Zack from Surfing New Jersey has been one of my biggest supporters and I owed them a proper collaboration and remix session. This time I remixed the whole Saints of the Modern Age album and Zack gave me all the individual instrument tracks to play with which really improved the results. This is not an experimental album like 20 Ways to Destroy a Track, this is much more reflective of the original tracks and is my first work with alternative rock (and a little touch of Hip-Hop/Dubstep elements on a few tracks). I tried to do extended versions for most, merge some tracks, strip a few down, build some up, re-do some stuff completely, and leave stuff that worked great alone but tweak it a bit. In the end this is my version of their album (which I really liked) but in a way that you wouldn’t need to hear the original to “get” this. I really had a blast on this one and I think you’ll enjoy it.

1. Interlude (Turn it Up Mix)
2. Poncho Jones (Dance Punk Dance! Mix)
3. The Idolization of Gregory Roman (Tale of an Evolving Beat)
4. Frailty (Electric Boogaloo Mix)
5. Irony (Missed Calls Mix)
6. Ian’s Courtesy (Extended Bongo Jam)
7. Enthusiastic Expectations (Truthful Mix)
8. Soylent Green (Fair and Balanced Mix)
9. Limited Liability Song (You Could Save 15% Mix)
10. Taylor Mead’s Assassination (Pass the Mic Mix)
11. Vicious Cabaret (Visiting the Future Mix)
12. Saints of the Modern Age (Knock it Back Mix)
13. Maintenance (Hard Hat Remix)
14. Neon (Tales of the City Mix)
